By the leading of God and the power of the Holy Ghost, Emmanuel Temple Church (ETC) of the Apostolic Faith was founded on January 5, 2001 by Pastor Everett H. Jefferson, Sr. and held its first service on February 11, 2001 at the City of Hope (Covenant Church) in Laurel, Maryland. In its inception, ETC started with eleven members. The Lord added one additional soul during the first service. By direction of the Holy Spirit, in March of 2001 ETC began Sunday Worship Service and Bible Study at The Quality Inn and Suites, 2 Second Street, Laurel, Md. The Lord with us, ETC began to grow and flourish solely based upon the unadulterated taught Word of God. Presently ETC’s membership has grown to over 70 dedicated persons mostly comprised of families.
At ETC the motto is “Jesus is the Center of Attraction”. Through effective and illustrative teaching and preaching, members of ETC are molded into living epistles. It is with that premise that we are commanded by the scriptures to “go out and compel” other to come to Christ. In preparation to respond to this charge, ETC is committed to: Exalt the Savior through Prayer, Praise and Worship, Teaching and Preaching; Evangelize the sinner by the taught Word of God and love all mankind; and to Equip the saints by continually engaging in the Christian Education (Bible Class) and Worship Experience. A healthy church, ETC has incorporated ministries designed to meet the every changing spiritual and natural needs of it congregation. Jesus Christ at the helm of ETC’s existence, Pastor Jefferson as Shepherd and Overseer, ETC is supported by the Elders’ and Ministerial Staff, Music Ministry, Intercessory Prayer Ministry, Christian Education, Men’s Ministry, Women’s Ministry, Youth Ministry, Children’s Ministry and the Ministry of Helps.
All about Christ, it has been noted that ETC Worship Services are a worship experience like none other. Emphasis given to the Praise and Worship, participants depart from ETC having an assurance that Jesus is the only one worthy of our praise and honor. The anointing and favor of ETC is often imitated but never duplicated!
A most important element of the longevity and life line of ETC is the Weekly Bible Study, a time where the Word of God is rightly divided and explained for daily application. Having members in different communities throughout Maryland, ETC implemented an additional Thursday Night Bible Study in the Gaithersburg/Germantown Area of Maryland to address the logistical needs and evangelism vision of ETC. In its two year trial period, the Thursday Night Bible Study grew from six to fourteen people. After much prayer and with advances in technology, in 2007 ETC launched Bible Study via Webinar, a “live” interactive internet service, which allows the ministry to be seen and heard throughout the United States of America. To God be the Glory for the things which He has done.
Emmanuel Temple is a member of Apostolic Covenant Ministries in Christ (ACMC). In the sixth year of his pastoral ministry at ETC, the Lord called Pastor Jefferson to the Holy Office of Bishop in the church of the Lord Jesus Christ. On Saturday, December 12, 2006, Pastor Jefferson was consecrated to the office of Bishop.
On Sunday, December 31, 2006, as promised by God, the ETC family held its first Worship Service in our current location of 10005 Old Columbia Road, Suite N-165, Columbia, Maryland. Having been faithful to God in consistent prayer, Bible Study, and Worship Service at the Quality Inn in Laurel, Maryland, God orchestrated this move and God has added to the church such as should be saved!
By the Grace of God, ETC has come this far and it is by His Grace that ETC will continue to move forward in Victory proclaiming the Word of God. ETC worships in anticipation of the great things that God has in store.
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