Bishop Everett H. Jefferson, Sr. was born and raised in Helena, Arkansas. He was born again at the age of twenty-one in St; Louis, Missouri under the pastorate of the honorable Bishop James A. Johnson and the Bethesda Temple Church of the Apostolic Faith. As a member of Bethesda Temple, he committed his life to the Lord first by living the written and preached Word and dedicated himself to the teaching ministry in Sunday school as teacher and superintendent and Children’s Church president.
In August 1977, the Lord called Bishop Jefferson to the ministry the Gospel of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. He has served faithfully for 25 years of ministry teaching and preaching in the Pentecostal Asemblies of the World, Inc., City of Hope International Ministries, Inc., and Faith Fellowship Ministries International, Inc. serving churches in St. Louis, Missouri, Washington D.C. and Laurel and Columbia, Maryland.
In February 2001 through the power of the Holy Spirit, Bishop Jefferson established the Emmanuel Temple Church of the Apostolic Faith, Inc. He was appointed Dean of Faith Fellowship Ministries School for Christian Living in 2003, appointed Bishop-elect and Overseer of the Eastern Region of Faith Fellowship Ministries International in May 2006, consecrated as bishop in December 2006, and in December 2007 he was appointed President of Faith Fellowship Ministries International School for Christian Living.
His pastoral experience includes four years as assistant pastor of House of Harvest Ministries, St. Louis, Missouri; one year as assistant pastor of Covenant Fellowship International now City of Hope International Ministries, Laurel, Maryland and pastor from 2001 to present of Emmanuel Temple Church of Columbia, Maryland. Bishop Jefferson is the Presiding Prelate of Apostolic Covenant Ministries in Christ.
Bishop Jefferson’s academic preparations include: Lane College, Jackson, Tennessee; St. Louis College of Pharmacy, St. Louis, Missouri; University of Missouri at St. Louis, Missouri; and Aenon Bible College, St. Louis, Missouri/Indianapolis, Indiana. He graduated with a bachelor’s degree from the University of Missouri-St. Louis with honors in Chemistry, Math and Communications, and has a Masters degree in Spiritual and Pastoral Care from Loyola University of Maryland. He is a retired Team Leader and Senior Research Chemist with the Division of Product Quality Research of the Food and Drug Administration, St. Louis, MO and Washington D.C.
Bishop Jefferson is the husband of Lady Elaine W. Jefferson, the father of three sons, Everett II (wife Min Dorsharica), Eric (wife Lady Stacey), and Elliot (wife Lady Schnelle), all of which are ministers of the Gospel, and the grandfather of six, Everett III, Essence, Elyscia, Erin, Ethan and Evan.